let's burst
the bubble

on hygiene

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it's time to come clean about hygiene insecurity

hint: it's not when you forget to shower and feel bad.

actually, hygiene insecurity is when someone does not have sufficient access to hygiene products or has to choose between essentials like housing and food and hygiene products like soap or toothpaste.

now that is a problem.

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how big is the problem?

let's take a look
nearly 50 million Americans struggle to afford basic hygiene products and other necessities.* 3 of 5 people experiencing hygiene insecurity say that it has negatively impacted their mental health.** there are no national public programs that provide hygiene support.***

it's about more
than soap

hygiene products do more than keep us healthy; they provide confidence, dignity, and hope. hear from the experts and those who have experienced hygiene insecurity.

so we're teaming
up with fellow
bubble bursters

method simply basic logo desktop
we’re bursting with excitement to share that method is the founding partner of the Simply the Basic's Hygiene Bank Association™, the first system in the world to connect existing hygiene service providers and to establish quality control standards for hygiene distribution. 
method simply basic logo desktop method simply basic logo mobile
think of a network of food banks, but for quality hygiene products. the Simply the Basics Hygiene Bank Association™ is focused on: 
making hygiene
more accessible
and equitable
sharing best
quality control
in hygiene

to learn more about our bubblicious new partnership, check out the faq page.

method for change
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ready to burst
your bubble?

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insecurity knowledge
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Unfortunately, you ran out of time. Thankfully, it’s never too late to keep bursting the bubble on hygiene insecurity. Try again now.

now that we’ve burst the bubble, check out the links at the bottom of the page to get involved.

check out our faq page for sources
animated bubble animated bubble animated bubble